Ancillary Services

Mrs. Dean is on ITUNES. Click here to download her free podcast.

Click here to order "An Energy Drink for the Soul" by Jennifer Dean, CEO of Dean's Professional Services


Head Outdoors 

If you're one of the 34 percent of employees who eats lunch at her desk, digest this: Sunshine helps boost levels of vitamin D, and research suggests that adequate amounts may play a role in sustaining energy. Experts suspect D helps regulate metabolism and insulin secretion, which both have an impact on energy.

If you're one of the 34 percent of employees who eats lunch at her desk, digest this: Sunshine helps boost levels of vitamin D, and research suggests that adequate amounts may play a role in sustaining energy. Experts suspect D helps regulate metabolism and insulin secretion, which both have an impact on energy.


Get UP!

So many of us spend mores of our time sitting – on the couch, at our desks, in the car.  But the human body was meant to move, stretch, expand, expand and engage.  So take a walk, jump in the pool, skip rope, or just life your arms toward the sky and see how high you can reach.  



Studies have shown that volunteering can help alleviate depression and may even contribute to longevity.  So help clean up a local park or volunteer at a nursing home, and know that you can feel great about what you have given, but also what you’ve received.



Laugh off 40 calories — it's no joke! A study from Vanderbilt University showed that you can burn up to that many calories by laughing genuinely for 10 to 15 minutes. (Watch Groundhog Day to giggle off even more weight.) Did you ever think of laughter as an ab-toning exercise? Well it is!  Plus, it’s a blood-oxygenator, endorphin-releaser, and general body relaxer. Ha HA!  Also, smiling releases serotonin in the brain, which instantaneously give your mood a lift!  


Eat Breakfast

Always have breakfast. "Otherwise, you'll end up wanting to eat everything you see," says Holly Wyatt, M.D., who's with the National Weight Control Registry. A survey from NWCR, which tracks more than 5,000 people who have kept off at least 30 pounds for a year or longer, found that 78 percent of participants have a meal every single morning.